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current subliminal message:
shiny is gooood
No CloneGirls were hurt in the making of this comic. Probably.

//26 maart 2006//
Clonegirl goes chimaera hunting with a friend...
Click to view


//30 oktober 2005//
sometimes you get the feeling things are too good to be true
Click here for the latest comic


//9 juli 2005//
Clonegirl wants an icecream, but things are never that simple
Read the latest comic


//7 maart 2005//
Clonegirl goes to London! What does she find when she's there? View the latest comic to find out!
(Also, thanks Beaky for the brainstorm session, and thanks Alfie for the php!)

//28 december 2004//
In have a case of too much inspiration, so no Clonegirl until I get all the other art out of my system :(.
I can already tell you that the next Clonegirl episode will be beach themed :)
In the mean time, here's a preview made in flash. I was listening to a song and this popped into my head.

//14 november 2004//
Yes it's been a while, but Clonegirl is back, and she has many things to tell the world; and her friends in particular. Things don't work out the way she planned though (but when do they ever?). With the three page spanning epic Clonegirl #13, I've tried to put in a bit more dialogue in the comic, but don't worry, I'm keeping it surreal ;)

//9 juli 2004//
Clonegirl # 12 is apon us! Quickly! Get it off before it burrows into your skin and injects its vile mind-controling chemicals!
Oh well, too late. -_-
What to say about #12? It's the episode where CloneGirl Wears Trousers, aka 'CloneGirl Doesn't Get Impaled By A Sharp Feather' (thank you Springtime for those title suggestions).
I've tried a bit of silhouette drawing for the background, and though the composition and placement of the text bubbles took me forever, I do think the strip conveys the mood I intended for it.

//10 april 2004//
Clonegirl # 11 has arrived! This one is semi-autobiographic, the humming monster is something I made up as a kid and was really afraid of.
Thank you for your patience! I've been busy with lots of other creative projects (namely some photocomics and fanfictions), so I haven't had much time for drawing Clonegirl. I do have several scripts in the Idea Fridge, so there will eventually be more Clonegirl for you. Some time ago, I held a "Design a CloneGirl Banner" contest, the results are finally in:
1 Bsting
2. Wayward
3. Alfedenzo
Thank you for participating!
To check out the great banners they made, just click on the "Links" section.

//28 februari 2004//
Another fashion tip from CloneGirl. Episode 10 is a bit different from how I've drawn before, because in this episode I used a lot more black. And a lot more photoshop (look at the posters on the wall. And kudos to people who recognize those).
For the next episode I want to draw a comic where clonegirl is the main character again, in case people forget what she looks like ^_~. There's also one more Fashion Tip coming up, but that will have to wait until I've drawn other things. Also the -Design a CloneGirl Banner- competition will end on Monday March the 1st, so you have until then :)
plug: Jigureul jikyeora! / save the green planet

//07 februari 2004//
CloneGirl episode 09, CloneGirl gives fashion advice!
This is the first in a series of three, or maybe more, because I love dressing her up in different outfits ^.^ Also, the weird things in the comic aren't happening to her for a change, so I suppose it's fine by her.
There's a -Design a CloneGirl Banner- competition coming up, in which YOU, the loyal minion reader can win prices, but more about that later. Oooh, and besides joining the newsletter, you can now also join the ragedaisies community on Livejournal, where you other readers can discuss clonegirl comics and strategies for obtaining World Domination. And Red Robot is a cutie pie ^_^

//12 januari 2004//
This CloneGirl episode (08) was so much fun to do, it took me a while and I used lots of references, but I'm really happy with the results. I think I might have to put a some kind of "contains violent scenes"
warning up, but I don't know
how the rating system
works -_-;;
If I plan to draw more than one page a month, I think I really have to consider investing in a desk or something. I draw most things either in the train or sitting on my bed; that's okay for a little while but when I draw for 6 hours, my shoulders really start to hurt ;_;
Oh and don't tell anyone, but 08 is the first comic where I used my amazing CloneGirl font, specially made in www.fontifier.com
Plug: Japanese smileys!

//20 december 2003//
Do you know what the most difficult part of drawing a comic is? The boxes, and how to make them fit on A4 paper, telling all I want to tell on 29 x 21 cm. Ok, that and the fact that in my mind's eye I see neato camera angles that I can't actually draw without reference. So I rummage through my room looking for carton, and I built a little house with a chimney, drew rooftiles on it and everything

//15 december 2003//
Slack Off Day
Between my internship, writing Xmas cards, designing buttons and having a Bad Cold, I didn't have time to work on comics, so I'm going to show some character art instead and I hope you like it.
*Points* Oooh look! Sky! *runs*